01. 레베카 킴&키릴 미노프 'Scheherazade'
02. 김해진 'Ready to Fly (by Amy Pearson)'
03. 얀 한 'The Impossible Dream (from Man of La ancha OST)'
04. 알리오사 사브첸코& 브루노 마소 'Happy (by Pharrell Williams)'
05. 박소연 'I Dreamed a Dream (by Glee Cast)'
06. 데니스 텐 'Mi Mancherai (by Josh Groban)'
07. 세린 본 'BomBom (by Sam and the Womp)'
08. 스테판 랑비엘 'The Water (by Hurts)'
09. 타티아나 블로소자& 막심 트란코프 'Somebody to Die for (by Hurts)'
10. 알렉세이 야구딘 'Winter (by Bond)'
11. 김연아 'Send in the Clowns (from A Little Night Music OST)'
보러가기 : http://yoonseokmin.tistory.com/1909
2014.5.5 서울 올림픽공원 체조경기장 All That Skate 2014
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